Friday Nov 12, 2021
Divine Origins (with Ariela): Everyone Has a Story with guest Nikki Dority
Friday Nov 12, 2021
Friday Nov 12, 2021
As Brene Brown says, “Everyone has a story or a struggle that will break your heart. And, if we’re really paying attention, most people have a story that will bring us to our knees.”
Numb, restless, lethargic, empty, angry, exhausted, confused, dispirited, drained, depressed, hopeless, aimless, purposeless …
Shame, hiding behind our pain, fear, and mental illness.
These are only a tiny selection of the total possible feelings we carry when we disconnect from our Souls – that vital spark of life within us.
But how do we reach this point of total disconnection from life; this existential malaise?
Join Ariela and Special Guest, Nikki Dority, Co-founder of Nurture. Nurture is a community-based wellcare marketplace focused on self-care for everyone. With over 60 vetted, independent beauty, wellness, fitness, cafe, and retail businesses, Nurture provides a place for all of our community members to meet all of their self-care needs under one roof. We value collaboration, community, quality, and compassion, and offer a safe place for all to feel supported and valued.
In this podcast, you will learn:
- What you need to feel and heal in order to be authentically you
- How to reclaim your soul, and gather the fragmented pieces from your own trauma and wounds, to help you remember, you were never broken.
- You are always and always will be, whole.
Find more resources for healing: https://mysoulcentered.org/work-with-ariela/
Join our community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/soulcenteredgroup/
Sign up for our free monthly Healing Circle: https://soulcentered.ck.page/df6ecb8a7d
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
The Defiant Spirit (with Rabbi B) Part 2. Know Your Why
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Dr. Viktor Frankl, author of "Man's Search For Meaning," attributes part of his survival in the Holocaust to Nietzsche's famous reminder, "he who has a why can endure any how." In this podcast Rabbi B will explore the power of why, why he created the Defiant Spirit and why knowing your why will help you endure any and every how.
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Healing The Dead: A Spiritual Two Way Street (A Day of The Dead Talk)
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
When we think of our relationship to spirit, we tend to think of it as a one way street. We communicate with them as a pathway to receive confirmation of their presence, give us direction in our life, and comfort us in their absence on our journey in this world. Although this is true, it isn’t entirely true. In fact, the relationship between the living and the dead is really a two way street. In this talk, Healing The Dead: A Spiritual Two Way Street, given at the Colorado End of Life Collaborative, Master Healer Ariela HaLevi and Rabbi Dr. Baruch HaLevi will share ancient mystical wisdom, principles and practices of how we heal our loved one's in spirit. You can learn more about the Colorado End of Life Collaborative at: https://coeolcollaborative.org/
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
"The Defiant Spirit" is Rabbi Dr. Baruch HaLevi's "Rabbi B's" new podcast synthesizing the foundational ideas of both logotherapy and the life and legacy of Dr. Viktor Frankl, with Kabbalah, the Jewish mystical blueprint of existence and roadmap for the soul. In this first podcast he will be exploring some of the foundational principles of Dr. Frankl's message of meaning, hope and inspiration and some fundamental, kabbalistic ideas. No matter what you are facing or enduring you have within you the defiant power of your spirit. It's time to awaken it, live it and illuminate a darkened world.
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Ancestral Healing During Chaotic Times
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
You are not alone. You did not get here by yourself. You are not here only for yourself. You are the embodiment of thousands of years of ancestors who walked before you, sacrificed for you, passing down to you their hopes and dreams, experiences and qualities, the good and bad, the broken and whole. They continue to have so much to offer you, and you have so much to offer them. The relationship continues so join us in this conversation about the basics of ancestral healing and how to draw upon your ancestors to bring you healing in chaos.
For more resources for healing, visit https://mysoulcentered.org/
Join our community, https://www.facebook.com/groups/soulcenteredgroup
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
So often when we think of a spiritual journey, we assume it is something filled with divine grace and energetic flow and ease. At times it certainly will be, however, that is rarely the starting point.
Just look to nature and the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly to understand that transformation is not a simple and tidy process. That caterpillar is transformed through a painful and messy metamorphosis inside that chrysalis (cocoon), as it dies to what it was on its way to emerging what it was meant to be. This is how butterflies are born. This is how babies are born. This is how we are born on our spiritual journey in this life. Face the struggle, accept the messiness and embrace the process in its entirety on your spiritual journey through this life.
Watch more: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj7ZfHC9UeGXi1hzY844Kt4hY9czOxNPj