
Friday May 10, 2024
An End To Cancel Culture & The Rise of Resilience
Friday May 10, 2024
Friday May 10, 2024
In this conversation, Baruch HaLevi and Dr. Daniel A. Franz discuss the topics of cancel culture, resilience, and the importance of open dialogue. They reflect on the recent Tom Brady roast and how it symbolizes the need for an end to cancel culture. They explore the lack of resilience in today's society and how it is influenced by factors such as social media and parenting styles. They emphasize the importance of facing consequences, engaging in meaningful debate, and choosing responsible actions. They also discuss the role of humor and comedy in addressing sensitive topics and promoting dialogue.

Thursday May 09, 2024
Screw Retirement. Why Men Need Re-inspireMENt
Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
This conversation is about re-inspirement and finding purpose in the second half of life. Baruch discusses the different stages of a man's life according to Carl Jung and emphasizes that retirement should not be seen as the end but as a new chapter. He encourages men to continue expressing their voice and finding their vocation in the world. The key takeaways include the importance of designing a meaningful life, not compartmentalizing different phases, and starting to pursue passions and dreams now rather than waiting for retirement. Visit: www.manuprsing.org

Tuesday May 07, 2024
Why Men Need To Rise UP In The Second Half of Life
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Why Men Need To Rise UP In The Second Half of Life
Baruch HaLevi discusses his passion project, Man Uprising, which is focused on helping men rise up in the second half of life. He emphasizes the importance of leaving behind boyhood and embracing healthy masculinity. He talks about the need to redefine goals and rules in the second half of life, particularly regarding money and retirement. He encourages men to rewrite their goals and rules and to focus on becoming a better version of themselves. He describes Man Uprising as an internal uprising against cultural norms and a choice to become the man one wants to be in the second half of life. Visit www.manuprising.org

Wednesday May 01, 2024
From Slavery To Freedom 8: You Can't Go It Alone
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
In this final video, Baruch HaLevi discusses the importance of community and relationships in the journey from slavery to freedom. He highlights the absence of Moses in the Passover Haggadah as a reminder that Judaism is not an individual go-it-alone adventure. He emphasizes that no one can go through life alone and that we all need to be witnessed and supported by others. Baruch also talks about the need for supportive communities for men and the importance of being part of something bigger than ourselves. He concludes by wishing everyone a year filled with freedom and encourages them to bring that freedom into their lives and the world.

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
From Slavery To Freedom 7: Freedom To...
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
In this conversation, Baruch HaLevi discusses the importance of clarifying the meaning of freedom. It's not simply about freedom from slavery, tyranny, or any of the myriad of ways human beings have been shackled throughout history and in too many parts of the world today. It's also about giving, serving, and providing freedom to others.

Monday Apr 29, 2024
From Slavery To Freedom 6: Defying Victimhood
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Baruch HaLevi discusses the topic of Jew hatred and the exclusion of Jews from diversity, equity, and inclusion conversations. He challenges the idea that Jews are considered powerful and dominant, emphasizing their historical victimization. Baruch highlights the resilience and adaptability of the Jewish people throughout history, using their circumstances to thrive and make significant contributions to various fields. He encourages individuals to move from victimhood to empowerment by accumulating tools in their 'go-bag' and not allowing external circumstances to define their destiny.